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a coffee shop business

Start A Coffee Shop Business with this Essential Equipment

Prepare for a lot of work if you want to start a coffee shop. The opportunity to make money is there, but starting a new business is not simple. Even with the perfect name, a great location, and a unique concept, you have a lot of details to cover.

One issue for many new coffee shop owners is equipment. Not just purchasing it all, but also knowing which pieces you need. That’s why a list of coffee shop equipment can be helpful as you work to open the business.

While each shop might be unique, some basic equipment needs will apply to all coffee shops. This post will cover the essential coffee shop equipment.

Get This Equipment to Start a Coffee Shop Business

Coffee Grinder

Grinding beans is an essential part of running a coffee business. Make sure you get a good grinder to keep up with the orders. You will also want to get one that can handle the workload of running most of the day.

Automatic Coffee Machine

Your business will depend on its ability to brew quality coffee. That means you will need a good coffee machine. You may even need more than one, depending on customer traffic. Consider factors like quality of brew, speed, and durability.

Espresso Maker

So many popular coffee drinks contain espresso as an ingredient. The espresso machine can be a tricky purchase. You want quality, but some of the commercial appliances can be expensive.


You will need a refrigerator or freezer for your coffee shop. At the very least, you will need to refrigerate milk and other dairy products. If you sell food, you may need to refrigerate some of those items.

Kitchen Supplies

Coffee shops may need various kitchen supplies. You might need measuring spoons, tampers, containers, towels, and utensils for coffee. Some shops might also need a range of food prep items to keep in the kitchen.


Cups are an obvious need. You might need mugs for customers who drink in the dining area. You are also going to need takeaway cups and lids. Don’t go cheap on the cups and lids. The quality can reflect on your brand. In addition, premium cup lids like those from FoamAroma can do a lot to enhance the experience.

Other Takeaway Items

Coffee businesses also go through a range of other takeaway supplies. You will need to get napkins, cup sleeves, straws, stirrers, carrying trays, to-go bags, and more.

The Best Takeaway Coffee Lids

FoamAroma lids will help your coffee shop provide the best experience to its customers. Get in touch with our team to learn more about what makes our lids so much better.

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